Which are the most popular internet service providers in the UK?

Wi-Fi modem in home
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Across the UK, hundreds of internet service providers are in operation. At times it feels like they all claim to offer the best broadband deals on the market, unbeatable customer service and the widest range of speeds available. 

While some of these broadband providers operate across the country, others only work in small local areas. Plus, while many only specialise in internet connections, others have a wide range of packages, including broadband and TV deals

Of course, some of these providers are more popular than others. But, which is the most popular and why? Here, we've taken a look at the biggest broadband providers in the UK in terms of customer size and analysed what each offers in terms of cost, speed and customer service. 

Best broadband provider: UK customer numbers

To first give you a clear idea of the most popular providers by the estimated number of customers, recent data from ISPreview shows that the top 10 providers are:

  • BT (including Plusnet & EE) - 10,000,000 subscribers
  • Virgin Media - 5,722,900 subscribers
  • Sky Broadband - 5,700,000 subscribers
  • TalkTalk - 3,800,000 subscribers
  • Vodafone - 1,383,000 subscribers
  • Shell Energy - 595,000 subscribers
  • Glide - 400,000 subscribers (apparently mostly students)
  • Utility Warehouse - 363,595
  • Hyperoptic - 300,000 subscribers
  • Community Fibre - 200,000 subscribers

These are the stats as of 14th May 2024. However, Shell Energy UK was purchased by Octopus Energy in December 2023. As part of this deal, Octopus recently announced that it will be selling all 595,000 of its newly acquired broadband customers to TalkTalk within the coming months. 

As a result, once the switch is complete, these numbers will change significantly and TalkTalk will be home to almost 4,500,000 customers. 

Broadband download speeds

(Image credit: Getty Images / Epoxydude)

Best broadband provider: UK fastest download speeds

One of the key determining factors in the popularity of an ISP is its selection of broadband speeds - and often the top average download speed it can offer is what can really turn heads.

So if we look just at max speeds, the best/most popular option in the UK that's widely available is Virgin Media - with its relatively new Gig2 tariff (2Gbps), that can be found in certain locations around the UK. The provider with the fastest broadband speed was a title only recently held by EE, after it announced a new 1.6Gbps per second package last year. 

Although, if we're going to get technical about it, Community Fibre actually offers the quickest download speeds on the market at 3Gbps. However, this particular package is only available at a select number of properties in London. 

Although these examples are mighty quick, it's also worth highlighting that a number of other major ISPs now offer ultrafast broadband speeds that come close to matching the above: 

  • Sky - ‘Gigafast’ - 900Mbps
  • BT - ‘Full Fibre 900’ - 900Mbps
  • Vodafone - ‘Full Fibre 900’ - 910Mbps
  • TalkTalk - ‘Full Fibre 900’ - 900Mbps
  • Plusnet - ‘Full Fibre 900’ - 944Mbps
  • Hyperoptic - ‘Hyperfast’ - 900+Mbps

UK broadband providers ranked by complaints

Another key area for popularity is the overall quality of service given by an ISP and a good reflection of this is by the number of (but more appropriately the lack of) customer complaints. In other words, fewer issues consumers appear to be having with one can help make a provider more appealing.

We can turn to the most recent data by the UK communications regulator Ofcom  (April 2024) to see what the situation is here. Based on its study of 'complaints per 100,000 customers' from Q4 2023, the provider who fared the best is Sky - a position it has consistently held.

Sky received just five complaints per 100,000 customers and this was closely followed by Plusnet (nine) and EE (nine) and then BT (11). 

If we look at the flip side of all this though, the broadband provider who got the most complaints per 100,000 customers was Virgin Media, with (20). This was ahead of the next worst, which was NOW Broadband (18), and this low ranking has been the situation in the last three reports by Ofcom. 

Woman is frustrated with customer service connection over VoIP phone

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Cheapest broadband provider

Being able to find good value for money is another big factor when it comes to ISP popularity and as we've discussed in our cheap broadband deals guide, the top provider when it comes to pure affordability is often Plusnet

That said, our guide also explains how different types of broadband packages can be cheaper across different providers. Here are a few examples of where you might be able to grab a great deal on a specific tariff type or broadband bundle:

Fibre broadband deals

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

How to choose your new broadband provider

With the above you should now have a better understanding of which broadband providers are the most popular and a few of the key reasons why they're held in such high regard. 

This is also information you can use to aid your search for a new broadband provider, plus we can also support you with our guide to the best broadband deals on the market right now.

However, a final thing to consider is that features like download speed and affordability can be affected by whether or not your property can access a particular ISP's network. It might be the case that your household will still need ‘Full Fibre’ installing, or that ADSL connections are no longer available to you.

However, we can also help with this, as you can enter your postcode into our widget below and we'll show you specifically what broadband deals can be available in your location.  

Richard Hart

Rich is a freelance copywriter and content strategist with over 10 years' experience. His career has seen him work in-house and in various agencies, producing online and offline content marketing campaigns and copywriting for clients in the energy industry.