How to fix a squeaky bed

A person fixing a squeaky bed frame
(Image credit: Getty Images)

If you’re looking at how to fix a squeaky bed, then look no further, as our top tips will help silence your mattress coils, bed frame or box spring so you can get a peaceful night’s sleep. First we’ll explore the different reasons why your bed might be making a noise, and, more importantly, what you can do about it.

The good news is most fixes for a squeaky bed are quick and easy, but if you’ve had your mattress for more than a few years and the squeaks aren’t going away, then it could be time to buy a new bed, as the noises could be a sign of wear and tear. If your bed's just no fun to be in, our guide to how to sleep on an uncomfortable bed might be able to help.

If you want to guarantee squeak-free slumber, then a memory foam mattress is the best choice for you. Check out the best mattresses from the best brands.

And remember, the more better quality the mattress, the longer it will take to wear and tear. If you’re after a bargain, then you’ll find plenty of affordable options in the latest mattress sales.

For now let's have a look at how to get to the source of the squeaks and fix your noisy bed once and for all.

What causes a bed to squeak? 

Close-up shot of mattress springs

(Image credit: Getty Images)

When it comes to a squeaky bed, there are several culprits: the mattress, the frame or the box spring. But, rest assured, there is usually an easy fix. 

If you have a spring or hybrid mattress, wear and tear from the coils could produce a sound, which gets worse when you apply pressure over it. If you suspect the noise is coming from a spring, then push down on the mattress one area at a time until you can identify precisely where on the bed the noise is coming from. 

Another reason why your bed might squeak is because of your bed frame. If the frame has loose slats or screws, or warped wood then this could cause friction leading to an unbearable noise every time you toss and turn. 

Finally, if your mattress is resting on a box spring, then this might also be to blame for an annoying squeak. The wooden box spring frame could have become loose or the springs themselves could be the culprit. 

Read on to discover how to fix a squeaky mattress whether the sound is coming from your mattress, frame or box spring. 

How to fix a squeaky mattress 

If your squeaky bed is caused by your spring or hybrid mattress, first try rotating the mattress so that your body rests on a different area with less wear and tear. If your mattress is a few years old and is still squeaking even when you rotate it, then this could be a sign that you’re due for an upgrade. Check out the latest mattress sales for an affordable squeak-free bargain. 

In the meantime, if you’re looking for a short-term fix then placing some soft padding such as foam, fabric or thin plywood between the mattress and the frame will help absorb some of the friction and hopefully minimise the din.

Ultimately, if you really want to guarantee a squeak-free bed, then choose a memory foam mattress, which is made with a layer of foam rather than springs. These mattresses are also excellent at minimising any motion transfer; ideal if you have a restless sleep partner.

How to fix a squeaky bed frame 

A person fixing a squeaky bed

(Image credit: Getty Images)

If you’re sure the source of the squeak is not coming from the mattress, then it will be coming from the bed frame. First check for any loose bolts and tighten them up; you may also want to add a drop of oil.

Another factor that could be affecting the bed frame and making it squeak is the floor. If the bed is resting on an uneven surface, then this could cause the frame to warp so that the slats and joints are not flush, thus resulting in some noisy friction. Use pieces of cork padding to plug gaps between the slats or joints or place extra padding on the floor so that the bed is resting on a more even surface.

Both wooden and metal bed frames can produce a squeak, especially when the bolts become loose – a quick check and tightening of the screws with a wrench should see you right. Adding a drop of lubricant between the joints will also help.

How to fix a squeaky box frame 

If your box spring is causing you grief with its irritating noises, then you will want to get to the bottom of it quickly. Get someone else to lie on the bed and shift around until you hear a noise – you can then investigate what part of the box spring is likely causing the sound. 

If your box spring includes coils, then adding a touch of lubricating oil to any noisy springs might be all you need. If you suspect, the noise is coming from the frame itself, then simply tighten up any screws.

Grace Franks

Grace Franks is an experienced sleep and mattress writer who has written for our sister sites Tom's Guide and T3, among other brands. She's interested in organic and eco-friendly sleep products, and how good sleep can improve our general wellbeing. When not writing about mattresses, Grace loves reading, creative writing, and practicing yoga.