Video A-Z

Video A-Z

White balance is more important for videography than it is in stills photography, and for two reasons:

There's no RAW file to fall back on: you can't change your mind about the white balance setting later without degrading the image quality.

Continuity: You can't have the camera changing its mind about the auto white balance setting half way through a scene, and you also need to ensure continuity of colour rendition from one scene to the next.

There is some scope for editing the video footage later (or 'grading', in video-speak), but it's not ideal. Instead, you need to think about white balance when you shoot. Auto white balance is too much of a lottery – you should choose a white balance preset instead, make sure it's right for the conditions and then stick to it.

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Rod Lawton
Freelance contributor

Rod is an independent photographer and photography journalist with more than 30 years' experience. He's previously worked as Head of Testing for Future’s photography magazines, including Digital Camera, N-Photo, PhotoPlus, Professional Photography, Photography Week and Practical Photoshop, and as Reviews Editor on Digital Camera World.