How to pitch your ideas to TechRadar

(Image credit: Future)

TechRadar’s mission is to be the go-to source for tech buying advice. But even with our in-house team of highly-skilled experts and writers, we often need outside expertise to ensure our content is the best of the best.

That’s where you come in. The TechRadar team is always on the lookout for talented writers to help bring the site to life, whether that’s conducting a specialist review, offering insightful commentary on a major tech event, or distilling jargon into everyday language for an authoritative and understandable explainer piece.

We’re always looking to expand our pool of freelance writers, and as the breadth of our coverage grows, so too does our need for talent in wider areas of expertise. Want to pitch us a feature, review, exclusive news story or opinion piece? We’d love to hear from you.

TechRadar’s editors want to hear and amplify voices from right across the industry. We believe in the power of diversity, and the value of unique points of view from across society. If you’re from a BAME background, part of the LGBTQIA community, young, old, a seasoned journalist or a newcomer looking for your first break, you are all welcome. 

All that matters is that you have a talent for writing entertaining and informative articles, a passion for technology, and that you understand the sorts of articles that TechRadar publishes.

Looking to pitch? Here’s everything you need to know, how to format your pitch, and who to contact.

Pitching ideas to TechRadar: what we’re looking for

  • Check if the story has already been covered by TechRadar: We’re no slouches, and often hit news and product launches with our own analysis. If we’ve got content around your topic already, ask yourself if your idea adds significantly to the conversation.
  • Unique voices, new perspectives and enlightening copy: That all helps our readers achieve their goals - be that buying new tech, keeping track with the latest industry happenings (both good and bad), being excited for upcoming launches and rumored products, or getting advice on the tech they already own.
  • Authority and knowledge: TechRadar prides itself on the expertise of its team - both internally and its freelancers. We want you to add your expertise and insight to the conversation, so demonstrate your knowledge in the pitch.
  • An understanding of TechRadar’s output: Look to see if we’re already interested in your topic of choice by reading the site. Do you think your story could sit side-by-side with our daily output? If it won’t, you’ll have to work extra hard to pitch a compelling reason why we should take a look.
  • Independent editorial: If you’re representing a brand, or have a vested interest in a company or product, we’re not interested. Consider emailing us an interview opportunity with yourself or staff of the product you represent instead.

Formatting a pitch

We get sent many pitches, but we only have enough resource to pursue the very best ideas. If you want to give your pitch the best possible chance of being commissioned, we’d encourage you to follow the formatting guide below.

  • Introduce yourself: If we’ve never worked with you before, it’d be great to get to know you! If you have previous experience, let us know where your work has been featured, and send us links to your published work. We’re a broad site, so also let us know which areas of technology you are most knowledgeable/interested in. It will help us link you up with the right team members.
  • Propose a headline: Catch our eye with a suggested headline that succinctly describes your piece. We’ll likely workshop this with you later, but it gives us a good indication of where your story is going.
  • Give a synopsis of your idea: 100 to 200 words on what your feature will be about can help us to get a feel for your idea, and will help us in the initial stages of shaping it alongside you, should we choose to pursue it. We don’t want the whole article, just an outline.
  • Highlight potential interview subjects and studies that will be referenced: Unique primary reporting and a strong understanding of effective use of secondary sources is vital for your article. Let us know who you will be intending to contact, where appropriate. If you’ve already worked on the topic elsewhere, highlighting that work is useful, too.
  • Propose a word count: This may be tricky as a project grows in progress, but an indication of how many words you estimate you’ll need to effectively tell your story helps you (and us) in gauging your plan. For reference, most features commissioned on TechRadar run between 1,000 and 2,000 words long. We’ve plenty of room for longer features too, if the topic requires more.

Remember that you’ll also need to provide original photography and/or imagery that we have permission to use from brands and other creators.

Who to send your pitch to

While you can contact the entire team at, that’s rarely the best way to pitch us an editorial-led story. Instead, send a targeted pitch to the editor or writer who looks after the specific topic you’re looking to work within – a story about an aspect of the new iPhone should go to our Phones Editor, for instance, and a feature about Netflix should go to our Entertainment Editor.

Below you’ll find the contact details for all the senior editorial staff on TechRadar, including section heads:

Gareth BeavisGlobal Editor-in-Chief

Gareth Beavis
Global Editor-in-Chief
One of the founding members of TechRadar, Gareth loves phones and fitness tech with an equal, unhealthy passion.

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TechRadar UK Editorial

John McCann
Deputy Editor

John McCann
Deputy Editor
John oversees the day-to-day running of TechRadar, loves a smartphone and gets behind the wheel of cars now and then.

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Gerald Lynch
Executive Editor

Gerald Lynch
Executive Editor
Gerald oversees our feature and longform output. He loves gaming, but only on an 8K HDR screen with Dolby Atmos surround sound.

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Samuel Roberts
Senior Editor, Entertainment

Samuel Roberts
Senior Editor, Entertainment
Samuel brings you everything you need to know about the best streaming services, biggest shows and blockbuster movies.

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Matt Hanson
Senior Editor, Computing

Matt Hanson
Senior Editor, Computing
There's no aspect of technology that Matt isn't passionate about, especially computing and PC gaming.

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Mark Wilson
Cameras Editor

Mark Wilson
Cameras Editor
Writing and overseeing reviews of the latest camera gear on TechRadar, Mark also looks after all the photography tutorials.

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Cat Ellis
Fitness and Wellbeing Editor

Cat Ellis
Fitness and Wellbeing Editor
Cat's beat includes fitness trackers, treadmills, workout apps and all manner of other tech to help you stay fit and healthy.

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James Peckham
Phones Editor

James Peckham
Phones Editor
James covers all the big announcements from the best manufacturers making gadgets for your palms, wrists and face.

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Henry St Leger
News & Features Editor

Henry St Leger
News & Features Editor
Henry covers the pressing stories of the day with verve, moxie and aplomb – specialising in TVs and projectors while also reporting on VR, gaming, smart speakers, and the wider technology industry.

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Olivia Tambini
Audio and Music Editor

Olivia Tambini
Audio and Music Editor
Olivia covers everything from headphones to voice activated assistants. In her spare time she plays retro video games.

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Vic Hood
Gaming Editor

Vic Hood
Gaming Editor
Vic is an award-winning games journalist, bringing experience from IGN, Eurogamer and more to the TechRadar table. 

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Matt Phillips
Video Producer
Both in front and behind the camera, Matt makes the great video content on TechRadar and across our social channels.

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TechRadar US Editorial

Matt Swider
Managing Editor, US

Matt Swider
Managing Editor, US
Matt Swider is TechRadar's gadget-savvy, globe-trotting managing editor in New York and he owns over 400 phones!

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Nick Pino
Senior Editor, Home Entertainment

Nick Pino
Senior Editor, Home Entertainment
Nick covers TVs, headphones, speakers, video games, VR and streaming devices. He also occasionally writes about Pokemon.

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Bill Thomas
US Editor, Computing

Bill Thomas
US Editor, Computing

Fat, queer and extremely online. Computers are the devil, but they just happen to be a satanist.

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TechRadar Pro Editorial

Désiré Athow
Managing Editor, TechRadar Pro

Désiré Athow
Managing Editor, TechRadar Pro
Following an eight-year stint at, Désiré now heads up TechRadar Pro.

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Mike Moore
News & Features Editor, TechRadar Pro

Mike Moore
News & Features Editor, TechRadar Pro
When not tracking down some fitness fad, Mike handles all things B2B and B2C for TechRadar Pro.

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The TechRadar hive mind. The Megazord. The Voltron. When our powers combine, we become 'TECHRADAR TEAM'. You'll usually see this author name when the entire team has collaborated on a project or an article, whether that's a run-down ranking of our favorite Marvel films, or a round-up of all the coolest things we've collectively seen at annual tech shows like CES and MWC. We are one.