Broadband price increases are now just days away - switch while you still can

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The cost of living is already quite high for many of us, but in just a few days' time it looks set to get even higher, as some of the UK's biggest broadband providers are set to increase their prices

However, there's still time to avoid these increases and switch to a new deal, but not everyone will be able to do this without paying an exit fee on their existing broadband package.

To help you understand everything you need to know surrounding broadband price hikes such as why they happen, which providers are doing them and - most importantly - how and when you can look to switch to a cheaper tariff, we've broken everything down into one article. 

When are the broadband price increases?

The majority of the providers who are putting up their broadband prices will do so from April 1, 2024. The notable exceptions are BT and EE, who have said their prices will go up on March 31, 2024.

These annual increases are based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation or the Retail Price Index (RPI), which most providers have taken as the 4% increase seen in the 12 months to January 2024. However, some have taken the data from February index instead.

In addition to this, most providers have then added on their own percentage cost increases on top, which they claim is to cover rising operational costs they also incur due to rising inflation. As such - and because these are at the discretion of each broadband provider - we have seen different price rises being announced across the market.

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Which broadband providers are raising their prices?

Most of the UK's top broadband providers have said they will be putting their prices up this spring. However, some have announced higher rises than others, here's a full breakdown of how much your broadband provider could be increasing its prices by in the next few days: 

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Broadand provider Spring 2024 price increase
Virgin Media8.8% (February RPI rate + 3.9%)
BT7.9% (CPI rate + 3.9%)
EE7.9% (CPI rate + 3.9%)
Plusnet7.9% (CPI rate + 3.9%)
Three7.9% (CPI rate + 3.9%)
Vodafone7.9% (CPI rate + 3.9%)
TalkTalk7.7% (CPI rate + 3.7%)
Shell Energy7.0% (CPI rate + 3%)
Sky6.7% (Own pricing, average figure)

There are a handful of broadband providers who have said they won't be putting their prices up this April. These include:

  • Hyperoptic
  • Zen
  • Fibrus
  • BeFibre

If you aren't with any of the above suppliers, one thing you can do is contact your broadband provider directly and enquire as to whether or not you will face a price increase in April. You can also find out the amount your bill will rise to each month. That said, they will likely have already let you now this information by now.

How to avoid the price hikes

To help avoid the price hikes, you have a few options. You can:

  1. Find a cheaper deal and switch to a more affordable broadband tariff.
  2. Contact your provider directly to see if you can haggle for a cheaper deal.
  3. Contact your provider and try to negotiate a discount or move to another tariff.

But remember, if you are still under contract with your broadband provider and want to leave and switch to a cheaper deal, it's almost a certainty you'll need to pay a penalty or exit fee. These can be quite expensive and leave you even more out of pocket. Thankfully, these details will be outlined in your current contract, so you can see how much leaving early will cost. If you're still unsure, contact your provider directly and they will give you a full breakdown. 

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Broadband Switching FAQs

To help you get a clearer understanding of all this and the options you have with your broadband, we've also answered some common questions consumers have about the situation:

Can I switch my broadband at any time?

You can, but if you're still mid-contract it's quite likely you'll need to pay an exit fee or penalty to leave. It's still worth checking this as it might be the case that this penalty payment ends up being slightly cheaper in the long run than the sum of your impending price rises.

What are 'mid-contract price rises'?

You might have seen this term being used by some news outlets when discussing this current situation with the price hikes. Essentially what this means is that your broadband provider is putting your monthly costs up while you're still under contract with them. This is something they are currently allowed to do.

Won't broadband prices just go up again next year?

Possibly, but Ofcom is currently investigating the fairness of these price rises and is looking at changing the current rules. This would force broadband providers to be more transparent with their customers about when and exactly how much their costs may increase - hopefully giving us more opportunities to find better deals.

How to find the best broadband deals

If it turns out that you are in a position to switch without having to pay any exit fees, then you should take a look at our guide to the best broadband deals to find yourself a cheaper package. 

Alternatively, if you'd like to know what new broadband deal you can get in your location, enter your postcode into our widget below. We'll then be able to show you all the top deals that are on offer in your area right now.

Richard Hart

Rich is a freelance copywriter and content strategist with over 10 years' experience. His career has seen him work in-house and in various agencies, producing online and offline content marketing campaigns and copywriting for clients in the energy industry.