What will Microsoft call Project Natal?

Microsoft Natal
What would you call it? Give us your amusing suggestions!

We're blown away by the potential of Microsoft's Project Natal tech for the Xbox 360, but our minds quickly wandered. What would Microsoft call the final release?

Our friends at Redmond hardly have the best pedigree when it comes to naming new releases and Microsoft's long-meeting and focus group naming reputation has hardly been helped by the launch of Bing.

So we decided to dream up some amusing final release names for Project Natal and got some help from our friends in the Twittersphere. See what you think and then send us your own in the comments, @techradar – oh, and if you tweet them, add the hashtag #ProjectNatalFinalName

The list so far:

XcamMotion 3000
Xbox Immerse @pdouglas
MoveIT Starter Edition
Nintendo Pfffft @richardcobbett
PC 360 @qrter
Microsoft VisualTRANSLATE 2012 (No Friends Edition)
Microsoft® Wheeeee!™ @chrisphin
"With no physical control, surely they have to go with Xbox Vapourware?" @mansonovic
Microsoft Movement and Voice Sensor 1.0
MS OBE (Out of Body Experience)
Synergistic Photographic Image Entry Signalling (SPIES)
XMotionPro2010: Ultimate Edition
Microsoft's All Seeing Eye
Project Why-Aren't-My-Own-Kids-This-Well-Behaved?
Nuttall (to make pronunciation easier)
Microsoft DeepView @
Body 360 / 720 (as required)
The Aggressotron
Microsoft Depression. Because it'll be post-Natal @chrisrice192
"Sony should announce the ante-Natal"

And finally:


Don't forget to send us your suggestions!


Dan (Twitter, Google+) is TechRadar's Former Deputy Editor and is now in charge at our sister site T3.com. Covering all things computing, internet and mobile he's a seasoned regular at major tech shows such as CES, IFA and Mobile World Congress. Dan has also been a tech expert for many outlets including BBC Radio 4, 5Live and the World Service, The Sun and ITV News.