Cheap phones for Father's Day: Moto G5S and Moto Z2 Force up to $220 off

Father's Day is coming, and there's not much time left to find a good gift. Luckily, Motorola is offering incredible deals on a bunch of its smartphones, with up to $220 off and a number of freebies as well. The deals are on phones from the high-end Moto Z2 Force down to the budget Moto E4 Plus.

If you want to get your dad a great Father's Day gift, these phones and Moto Mods make for a solid option. The Moto Z2 Force at $220 off is an exceptional deal, and the $150 discount on the Moto Z2 Play makes the mid-range phone even more affordable. Plus, both of these phones have access to Moto Mods, like the Insta-share projector, which can add new features to the phone in a snap. Many of those Moto Mods are on sale for 25% off this month.

On the budget end, the phenomenal Moto G5S Plus is $100 for the 64GB model or $50 off for the 32GB model. And, the Moto E4 Plus is up to $40 off.

The first-generation Moto Z and Moto Z Play are also on sale with the Moto Insta-Share Projector thrown in free.

Most of these deals are available until June 30. If you like the look of these phones but want a little more, make sure to also check out the Moto Z3 Play and Moto G6.

Moto Z2 Force for $220 off

Moto Z2 Force for $220 off
See Motoroa's powerful Moto Z2 Force for $500, available for most all major carriers.

Moto Z2 Play for $349

Moto Z2 Play for $349
The Moto Z2 Play is available unlocked for $150 off, making it a steal for anyone looking for carrier freedom and the customization of Moto Mods.

Moto G5S Plus for $229 (32GB) or $249 (64GB)

Moto G5S Plus for $229 (32GB) or $249 (64GB)
The Moto G5S Plus is already an amazing budget option, and this deal makes it an even better pick. It's especially nice to see the higher-capacity model so heavily discounted.

Other Moto deals

Other Moto deals
You can see the rest of Motorola's discounts right here. The Moto E4 Plus, Moto X4, first-gen Moto Z, and Moto Mods are on discount.

Mark Knapp

Over the last several years, Mark has been tasked as a writer, an editor, and a manager, interacting with published content from all angles. He is intimately familiar with the editorial process from the inception of an article idea, through the iterative process, past publishing, and down the road into performance analysis.