Know a gym bunny? Here's 6 massage gun holiday gifts they'll love

Bob and Brad massage gun on Techradar deals background
(Image credit: Future)

You know what’s frustrating? Working out and finding yourself held back not by fatigue or ability, but by residual muscle pain and soreness. The best massage guns can help, using percussive massage to ease soreness and improve your range of motion. 

Stretching helps, yes, but there’s a reason professional athletes get sports massages, and it’s not just because they feel nice: massage guns’ percussive effect increases blood flow, reduces your perception of pain, and is also just straight-up relaxing. Weave it into your routine and a post-workout massage gun session can start to take on a meditative quality. 

A massage gun makes a good alternative to a professional masseuse. and thanks to the rapid rise in popularity of these sports gadgets, competition in the market has brought prices down dramatically over the last couple of years. 

You no longer need to spend a fortune to get a reliable massage gun, which is, after all, not that different inside to some DIY power tools. We’re also going to suggest some companion gifts that sit alongside a massage gun like a weight lifter and their spotter. Let’s get started

If you're looking for more of the best present suggestions ahead of the big day, look at our guides to the best Christmas sales in the US and Boxing Day sales in the UK. These guides are packed with more great holiday and Christmas gift ideas.

Best massage guns gifts

More holiday sales in the US

More Christmas sales in the UK

Andrew Williams

Andrew is a freelance journalist and has been writing and editing for some of the UK's top tech and lifestyle publications including TrustedReviews, Stuff, T3, TechRadar, Lifehacker and others.