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Hello and welcome to the UK’s best tech news and reviews site. You might have seen us in our previous incarnation Tech.co.uk. We’re the same site, same people, same company – just a different name (and new design).

Why should I pay attention to you?
Take a look around – we hope you like what you see:

1) Technology news for the technology fan
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4) 10,000 products and expert reviews
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You are a .com – does this mean you are American?
No. We’re written in the UK, published by a UK company and aiming to give a UK perspective on worldwide tech developments.

Not everything seems to work properly. Is there a problem?
No. This is a new site with lots of new features but we’re still in beta, working to smooth out various rough edges. So we hope you will be patient with some of the more obviously clunky bits. We’re working through the list of bugs right now but in the meantime, if you have any comments, please either email them to the editor in chief at eic@techradar.com or visit our support forum.

If I have a problem, who can I talk to?
Email Nick Merritt, the editor in chief at eic@techradar.com.