Quitting smoking may one day be easier with this app and your smartwatch

If you're planning to give up smoking, you may soon find you'll be able to use your smartwatch to monitor your daily intake through a service called SmokeBeat.

The service believes it can use your hand-to-mouth gestures using the sensors built into your smartwatche and feeds it back into a companion app.

Parent company Somatix has found a way to differentiate from other times you'll touch your mouth such as eating, drinking or even biting your nails. The tech will also ask you whether you're smoking too.

That'll then be put into an app so you can take a look over how much you smoke over a certain time period. It'll be able to tell you how much you've smoked, the time you've spent smoking and even break it down to the financial cost of what it's costing you.

Will it help?

SmokeBeat would also allow you to set goals for giving up and compare progress to others within the app.

A study in 2017 of 40 smokers using the a beta of the tech found that it was accurate in monitoring your smoking 80% of the time, so the tech is yet to be perfected. The study also found that it could limit the amount participants smoked.

Just showing you how much you smoke will be a way to monitor how much you do it on a daily basis and could be a big step toward changing your habit you want to get rid of.

Getting involved in the SmokeBeat program doesn't seem to be particularly easy though. You can head to Somatix's official website to get a brochure to learn further about the tech, but it's not currently available in a commercial capacity.

Somatix has two apps called SmokeBeat that you can download for either iOS or Android.

That said, the Apple-based app hasn't been updated since 2016 so we don't expect it to be as accurate as the study we've noted above. 

We've asked Somatix if it plans to update its Android and iOS apps and which smartwatches its app is compatible with, and we will update this story when we hear more.

Via Wareable

James Peckham

James is the Editor-in-Chief at Android Police. Previously, he was Senior Phones Editor for TechRadar, and he has covered smartphones and the mobile space for the best part of a decade bringing you news on all the big announcements from top manufacturers making mobile phones and other portable gadgets. James is often testing out and reviewing the latest and greatest mobile phones, smartwatches, tablets, virtual reality headsets, fitness trackers and more. He once fell over.