Advertisers claim that in-game advertising works

Sony plans to embrace in-game ads for PlayStation
Sony plans to embrace in-game ads for PlayStation

A recent study of 1,300 gamers, by leading in-game advertising firm IGA Worldwide, claims that gamers don't mind in-game ads and that in-game advertising leads to a measurable increase in gamers' positive perception of products and brands.

The study – rather importantly entitled 'Brand Impact of In-Game Advertising Study, a landmark research study conducted by Nielsen BASES and Nielsen Games on behalf of IGA Worldwide', claims that 82 per cent felt that games were just as enjoyable with ads as without.

Advertisers, get excited now!

Also, the study claims that there is an 'average 61 per ent increase in consumers' favourable opinions of products advertised in-game post-play'.

"With young adults now spending six hours a week gaming on average, advertisers should be excited at how well their messages were actually embraced and how the brands are positively perceived," said Justin Townsend, CEO of IGA Worldwide.

"The consumer insights we've gleaned from this data will help drive the industry's first research-based in-game advertising measurement standards, as well as strengthen IGA's position as an effective in-game ad network that brands can trust to efficiently deliver their message to target audiences."

Activisions backs findings

"This study offers proof that dynamic in-game advertising is an influential digital ad medium," said Dave Anderson, senior director business development, Activision. "Just as important to us is how users react to the ads. From the research, it is clear that the overwhelming majority of consumers enjoyed the gaming experience just as much, if not more, with dynamic ads present."

So, to recap, leading in-game advertising company commissions its own research to convince potential advertisers that in-game ads are the future.

Adam Hartley