Jolla lotta 'love' expected for May 20 Sailfish OS phone event

Most smartphone owners are looking forward to Android Key Lime Pie or Apple iOS 7, but Finnish phone developer Jolla is promising an OS love-fest on May 20.

"We are super excited to welcome you to hear about Jolla's next steps and get a sneak preview of what is yet to come," read the invite sent to various press outlets today.

The "Love Day" invitation isn't a belated Valentine's Day card that's three months old, but widely believed to be a summons to check out the company's first smartphone seven days from now.

Jolla, a start-up that consists ex-Nokia employees, has said that it's preparing a phone running its newly unveiled Sailfish operating system in the month of May.

Here MeeGo!

May 20 will be an opportunity for Sailfish to prove Nokia wrong after it had abandoned the MeeGo operating system that accompanied the Nokia N9 smartphone.

Jolla picked up where Nokia left off and intends to turn the Linux-based mobile operating system into an iOS and Android competitor.

The invitation doesn't hint at what Jolla's first smartphone will look like, but has said that the device will have a "modern Scandinavian design," according to Jolla Chairman Antti Saarnio.

That's a step in the right direction for Jolla's MeeGo successor, as something radically new would help it stand out in a marketplace where Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10 are fighting for third place.

Via International Business Times

Matt Swider