Samsung Simband: what you need to know

Simband vs iWatch and Healthkit

Samsung and presumably Apple are getting into wearables in a big way in 2014, but there are several differences between Simband and the rumored iWatch.

For one thing, Samsung has experience bringing its S Health platform to phones and wearables, though it needs a lot more love to mature into a platform we want to use on a daily basis.

Apple is just starting out with its HealthKit API for developers and Health app for consumers who upgrade to iOS 8 this fall.

The Simband dashboard

And this is just the dashboard

Samsung is also taking a much more open approach to creating the future of health gadgets, hence the open invitation to all developers at its Voice of the Body event.

Apple, on the other hand, is notorious for resisting outside help and setting up a "walled garden" approach to its apps and devices. Nike may be the only player involved in making the iWatch.

The funny thing is that Nike FuelBand and FuelBand SE were the two most closed-off wearables when it came to outside developer support.

Fitbit, Jawbone and Withings all make wellness devices that are not only open to outside creative types, but interact with each other in some cases.

Samsung's open approach to Simband is more like Google's welcoming strategy with Android. Apple's approach is likely to be more like, well, Apple's.

Simband release date

We could hear about Simband-inspired products soon

Simband devices release date

Developers were in the audience of Samsung's Voice of the Body event, but there are no officially announced devices based upon Simband just yet.

That could change later this year in time for the Samsung Developer Conference. We could see a Simband-inspired wearable at that time.

After all, less than a week after Samsung's Simband announcement, Apple's WWDC 2014 took place a few pedometer steps away in the same city. Delivering a rival wearables product is now imperative for Samsung than ever.

  • Read our review of the even more space-age Google Glass wearable
Matt Swider