Google Glass available to everybody in 2014

Will Project Glass deliver to retailers via skydivers?
Will Project Glass deliver to retailers via skydivers?

Google may be ready to take Project Glass on skydiving and stunt biking adventures, but the rest of us will have to wait a couple more years to test drive Google's glasses.

Web giant co-founder Sergey Brin said that developers will get their hands on Project Glass as an "Explorer Edition" sometime early next year.

After developers have had a chance to tool around with it Brin expects the final consumer edition to launch within a year, pushing the augmented reality glasses to 2014 if it stays on schedule.

"These Explorer Editions I'd like to get out early next year," Brin told Bloomberg. "Within a year after that I want to have broad consumer offering."

Augmented reality at a cost

Yesterday's stunt-filled presentation saw skydivers and acrobatic bikers showing off Project Glass using Google + hangout to stream their views.

The glasses remained intact and in place through it all without even an interruption to the video stream during the skydiving descent.

Brin emphasized during the presentation that the augmented reality glasses could only be useful if they weren't in the way, and that the product is "lighter than sunglasses."

Eligible Google IO 2012 attendees can place a pre-order down on their very own Project Glass headset for the price of $1500. That price is likely inflated due to the prototype stage and developer tools, hopefully leading to something more affordable for the consumer launch down the road.