HP develops fraud-proof paper

HP has developed a new technology which makes it possible to check whether a written document has been tampered with or not. The technology is currently being tested in India.

HP Labs in Bangalore is testing the Trusted Hardcopy technology , which integrates two dimensional bar codes into the back of a paper document.

By scanning the barcode with a standard scanner with the help of HP-developed software, then sending the read information to the document's issuer, the document's integrity can be checked. The technology could be used on papers such a driving licenses or degree certifications, for example.

The technology, in development at HP Labs India, reccognises that paper documents will remain in use all over the world. The Labs believes the need to verify their authenticity holds back the speed of doing business, S. Ramani, director for science and technology at HP Labs India, told InfoWorld . Normally, you'd have to physically post a document back to the issuer in order to check its genuinity.

The barcode also includes the information that is printed on the paper. This makes it easy to read and store the information digitally. HP Labs India is now working on new applications of the technology such as using mobile phones with built-in cameras to take a snap of a barcode, for example on a driver's license, and transmitting the image on the mobile service channel for verification and updating.