Jacob Fox

Jacob Fox

Contributing Writer

Technology got its hooks into Jacob when he was only nine years old and foolishly decided to dust off a C programming manual at the local library. Since then, he’s been hooked. He eventually gravitated more towards hardware than lines of computer code, because there’s a certain thrill to the risk of breaking something that can’t be undone with a simple Ctrl + Z.

Jacob’s also enjoyed writing since a young age, often ditching the Etch A Sketch for a pen and paper. So, when PCGamesN gave him the opportunity to do both writing and fiddle with hardware in 2020 in the role of Hardware Writer, the stars felt aligned. Even while undertaking his Ph.D. in philosophy, he kept coming back to the wonderful world of hardware, writing for sites such as PCGamer, Pocket-lint, and, of course, TechRadar. He still gives the world his sometimes spicy, sometimes philosophical takes on the industry, whether anyone wants those takes or not (persistence is key, he says).

Now, Jacob divides his time between frantically rushing to finish his Ph.D. thesis, keeping up to date with and writing about the latest computer hardware developments, and trying to find his third eye, which he swears is somewhere next to a benign mole on his forehead, but he can never remember which mole it is, exactly.

You can contact him via his LinkedIn or his contact page.

Articles by: Jacob Fox