10 years of iPod: the gadget that put Apple in your pocket

1st gen iPod
Released: October 2001

Details: 5GB, FireWire, battery: 10 hours audio
A 10GB version was released later. This model contained a mechanical scroll wheel that physically turned when you moved it with your finger.

iPod first gen

2nd gen iPod
Released: July 2002
Details: 10, 20GB, FireWire, battery: 10 hours audio
The first Windows compatible iPod also saw the introduction of the first touch sensitive scroll wheel to the iPod. Original Windows support was via Musicmatch.

2nd gen ipod

3rd gen iPod
Released: April 2003
Details: 10, 15, 20, 30, 40GB, FireWire (USB for syncing only), battery: 8 hours audio
The first all-touch sensitive interface was part of a complete redesign of the entire device. At the same time, iTunes becomes available for Windows.

3rd gen ipod

1st gen iPod mini
Released: January 2004
Details: 4GB, FireWire, USB, battery: 8 hours
A new smaller iPod that was available in five colours, and the introduction of the first Click Wheel, which contained the buttons themselves.

1st gen ipod mini

4th gen iPod
Released: July 2004
Details: 20, 40GB, FireWire or USB, battery: 12 hours audio
The first full iPod to use the new Click Wheel from the iPod mini. The Click Wheel has been a staple ever since.

4th gen ipod

4th gen iPod photo
Released: October 2004
Details: 30, 40, 60GB, FireWire or USB, battery: 15 hours audio, 5 hours slideshow
This was the first ever iPod with a colour screen. It could display photos synced from your Mac or PC.

4th gen ipod photo


Dan (Twitter, Google+) is TechRadar's Former Deputy Editor and is now in charge at our sister site T3.com. Covering all things computing, internet and mobile he's a seasoned regular at major tech shows such as CES, IFA and Mobile World Congress. Dan has also been a tech expert for many outlets including BBC Radio 4, 5Live and the World Service, The Sun and ITV News.