Samsung tries to clear up media store mess

The Samsung Media Studio service has already been launched on the company's home turf of Korea

Samsung UK has issued a press statement that aims to clear up confusion surrounding the UK launch of its Samsung Media Studio on Tuesday . The six-point statement clarifies the company's position on the specifications and other details of the service. Details below:

  • 1. The service is called the Samsung Media Studio, not the Samsung music store.
  • 2. The Samsung Media Studio is an application-based programme that sits at a local level on a user's PC.
  • 3. The Samsung Media Studio will be live in the UK from February.
  • 4. Samsung Media Studio is NOT a proprietary format, it has the capability to work with all based MP3 players
  • 5. To provide the best possible selection of media to consumers, Samsung has worked with all of the major record labels and over 40,000 independents to take part in the service, but cannot comment on the wider digital media strategies of those companies.
  • 6. At present all media purchased through the Samsung Media Studio will be DRM protected, as Samsung respects the need for this in the industry.

Much of the blame for the confusion stems from a press release issued by Samsung itself. In it the company clearly refers to the Samsung Music Store and never makes it plain how the service works or what the specifications are. At least the Korean giant has now had the decency to clear its own mess up.