How to watch the Fox News Republican Presidential Debate live stream tonight

Last night's entire Republican Presidential Debate is embedded and broken down into five parts, showing the full two hours. Held in Boulder, Colorado, it included the likes of Donald Trump and Ben Carson, with CNBC moderators John Harwood, Becky Quick and Carl Quintanilla asking the questions.

New front-runner surgeon Ben Carson stood right next to business mogul Donald Trump, and what do you know, Trump didn't give him one of those sly high-fives mid-debate this time.

CNBC Republican Presidential Debate Watch Online

Jeb Bush got in few words edge-wide, while fellow Floridian Marco Rubio and underdog Carly Fiorina had some memorable highlights you'll see in the video. They debate all well, but need a boost (and to keep that bump) in national polls.

The five other candidates, Rand Paul, John Kasich, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and Chris Christie, tried to stand out on the Colorado stage during the two-hour debate, but the impact remains to be seen in polls.

CNBC Republican Presidential Debate Watch Online

What's harder than appealing to voters in this packed list of candidates? Live streaming the Republican Presidential Debate on CNBC. The video player is more awkward than a politician's attempt at a joke.

Here's how to re-watch the CNBC debate.

CNBC Presidential Debate official video

You can replay the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate from last night through the financial network's official website and apps. The full video is available on this page.

CNBC also broke down the two-hour debate into "best of" highlights, so you can re-watch the Trump one-liners and media bashing without having to scrub through the entire video.

  1. Donald Trump on getting Mexico to pay for border wall
  2. Marco Rubio: Democrats ultimate Super PAC is the mainstream media
  3. Rand Paul: Need to gradually increase Medicare, Social Security ages
  4. Carly Fiorina: Obama policies are bad for women
  5. Trump says people need to come to the US legally. Shocker!
  6. Rubio on his personal finances in relation to running a $17 trillion economy
  7. Paul worries about bankrupting Americans by constantly raising the debt ceiling
  8. Ted Cruz on his plan to cut taxes across the board, but more fairly
  9. Mike Huckabee thinks that even Trump would be a better President than Hillary
  10. Trump and John Kasich spar on differing immigration policies early in the debate

Presidential Debate full video on YouTube

We'll update more of the full video replay and add in highlights as they become available online.

How was the third debate different?

The stakes were definitely raised for the third Republican Presidential Debate. First off, only candidates with at least 3% of the votes in select polls were allowed to participate, cutting off a couple of candidates that participated in the earlier "happy hour" rounds of the last debates.

CNBC Republican Presidential Debate Watch Online

The early debate still happened, of course, for the candidates who hold only a single percentage in the polls and included Senator Lindsey Graham, Governor Bobby Jindal, Governor George Pataki and Senator Rick Santorum.

Next, and more importantly, the main debate was significantly shorter than any of the Republican debates held so far.

Republican front-runner Donald Trump teamed up with fellow poll-leader Ben Carson threatened not to show up if the debate went over two hours, including commercials, according to Bustle.

CNBC Republican Presidential Debate Watch Online

Wednesday's debate focused more on the economy and the candidates' plans for balancing the budget should they take over the Oval Office.

How to watch the CNBC presidential debate live stream

Here's the bad news. While CNN played nice with viewers, the CNBC Presidential debate live stream wasn't entirely free to watch online. It was only "free" if you're paying for cable.

You needed a cable subscription because there's a video paywall. CNBC was taking the low-road by keeping the event limited to paying cable subscribers and CNBC Pro members.

CNBC Republican Presidential Debate Watch Online

Wondering how you could've live streamed the debate? By authenticating your account via on, and then you were able to use the website, any of the CNBC mobile apps or the Apple TV.

Should you have lacked the components necessary to stream the event, there was always CNBC Pro, a paid subscription service that runs $29.99 per month.

If that sounds like a lot for one measly, yet all-important debate, you could have subscribed via the seven-day free trial, watched the debate and then ditched the service without ever being charged. Sort of like you did with Apple Music, you sneaky thing you.

Lastly, audiophiles could listen to the Presidential Debate, which aired on SiriusXM satellite radio channel 112 and Westwood One, the USA's largest online radio network.

What's coming up next?

If last night's debate caught you off-guard, there are the next two debates coming during the month of November.

First up is another Republican debate on Tuesday, November 10. It will take place in Milwaukee of all places and will be hosted by the tag-team of Fox Business News and the Wall Street Journal.

On the other side of the party lines, the next Democratic debate will be broadcast from Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday, November 14. That one will be available to watch and stream on CBS and CBS's website.

Continue on to page two to see how the Dems faired at their last debate...

Nick Pino

Nick Pino is Managing Editor, TV and AV for TechRadar's sister site, Tom's Guide. Previously, he was the Senior Editor of Home Entertainment at TechRadar, covering TVs, headphones, speakers, video games, VR and streaming devices. He's also written for GamesRadar+, Official Xbox Magazine, PC Gamer and other outlets over the last decade, and he has a degree in computer science he's not using if anyone wants it.