4G home broadband deal: Three's 1-month rolling plan is here to rival EE

4G home broadband
(Image credit: Future)

The process of installing broadband has suddenly got a lot more difficult due to both the UK's lockdown and rules around social-distancing. For anyone lacking a phone line or the desire to commit to a DIY instalment, options dwindle pretty quickly.

However, temporary issues like this require temporary solutions and a recent offer from Three could do just that. Three's 4G Home broadband plan - the HomeFi Plus - can now be bought on 1-month rolling contracts.

That means you are able to land yourself a temporary internet connection, with no set-up fees or complications and simply ditch it once we are able to get traditional broadband deals installed again.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that this temporary plan isn't like most broadband packages. It doesn't work through cables, instead it operates via a SIM card (like your phone's) being put into a router and the signal being pushed out from there).

This leaves you with a mixed bag of positives and negatives. It has the ability to be faster, it can be moved to anywhere in the house and obviously, you can cancel it once your done.

However, it won't provide as reliable a internet connection as regular broadband would and if you're attempting to connect a massive house of smart devices, laptops, phones and more, you may begin to see some cracks in your speeds.

  • Have a phone line already installed? Check out the best fibre deals

The best offers on 4G home broadband:

Three Home-Fi Plus | 1-month contract | £29 upfront | Unlimited data | £30 a month

Three Home-Fi Plus | 1-month contract | £29 upfront | Unlimited data | £30 a month
If you need a temporary solution to your internet, this will be the way to do it. It costs £30 a month to land you a strong internet connection on a 1-month rolling basis. Go with EE - Three's closest 1-month competitor - and prices sharply increase.

Can I get a 5G connection through this router?

All of Three's 4G's home broadband plans are compatible to both 4G and 5G. That means if you're lucky enough to live in an area that gets 5G connections, you can connect using the above device at no extra cost.

However, 5G is not very widely available in the UK so far so you are much more likely to be connecting to a 4G network.

How does 4G Home Broadband work?

These home broadband plans work by putting a SIM card into a router, allowing you to push out that connection and connect to it. In this way, it is a lot like tethering onto a phone plan like you can with most phones these days.

These routers can be connected to by a number of devices while still providing strong speeds. Plenty for streaming, gaming, using social media and working from home.

What other broadband plans are available?

Obviously mobile broadband isn't the only option out there for people needing home internet. You can always go for the more traditional broadband plans with cables and phone lines. Or another portable option is mobile broadband or if you live in the right areas, 5G home broadband.

However, like we mentioned above, going for traditional broadband deals right now will require you to already have a phone line.

Alex Hughes

Alex is a journalist who has written extensively about all things broadband, SIMs and phone contracts, as well as scouring the internet to land you the best prices on the very latest in gadgets and tech. Whether that be with the latest iPhones and Android handsets, breaking down how broadband works or revealing the cheapest SIM plans, he's in the know, and will help you land a bargain.