One More Thing: Why would you need a washable keyboard?

One More Thing: Why would you need a washable keyboard?
Logitech scrubs up

Rub a dub dub - There are many reasons why a washable keyboard might come in handy and let's just focus on the savoury ones, like, perhaps, you're quite clumsy and you drink a lot of sugary drinks at your desk. In which case you should be interested in Logitech's Washable Keyboard K310 which will be hitting the shops in October, priced £34.99. [Logitech]

Itsy bitsy - What the world needs now is a BitCoin debit card. Good news then, it's getting one in six weeks' time. You'll be able to use it anywhere that takes Mastercard – but it'll cost you $10 (about £6) to get a card and then a 1% fee every time you use it. [Coding In My Sleep]

Press release of the day - "BANG! The Drill Gun Power Screwdriver is the only way Schwarzenegger fixes his cabinets!" And that's really all we want to know about it. We'll take two. [PR]


Docbot – Johnny 5 can check if you're alive over in Northern Ireland, where robots are being used at Daisy Hill Hospital to let doctors give you a once over from afar. [BBC]

Digi-mon - Side By Side appears to be Keanu Reeves' eulogy to films filmed on film, with loads of famous talking heads pontificating on the impact of digital filmmaking. Reeves told the Telegraph, "Personally I'm a big film fan and it's sad to see it go but the future is digital." [Telegraph]

Free Pussy Riot - The Russian contingent of hacktivist collective Anonymous has hijacked a Russian court's website after it jailed punk band Pussy Riot. One of the band's lawyers, Mark Feygin, said "Of course I do not approve of hacking attacks but I cannot hide genuine admiration for the daredevils from Anonymous. If they arrest them, I will defend them." OMT cannot hide genuine admiration for Mark Feygin. Right on, brother. [Guardian]

Balloon-y tunes – Looks like the latest craze in ballooning is to do it without the aid of a seat. This is according to former British Airways pilot Brian Smith who has begun ballooning without a basket. Sounds a little uncomfortable to us, and after partaking in some hot-air balloon action at the Virgin Media's V Festival we can safely say balloon + basket = a much more relaxing ride! [Telegraph]

V Festival balloon

The horror – Some brave soul has decided to mash-up every horror movie ever made (It certainly feels like that but there's actually 163 films in there) into one 2.34 minute YouTube video. And the result is bloody good fun. Sorry. [Kotaku]

Experi-mental – An interesting Apple prototype has appeared on eBay – it's an iPhone 4 but not as we know it. The coolest thing about it is the Death Star logo on its back, which signifies that it is experimental hardware. The not-so-cool thing is the Buy It Now price of $10,000. Ouch! [Engadget]

One small step – While we are still waiting for the Curiosity rover to murder a feline so that we can drop an excellent pun, the rover is set to take its first test drive today, which will see it drive the grand total of three metres. It doesn't sound like much but you try doing it with the atmosphere on Mars beating down on you. [Guardian]

News Editor (UK)

Former UK News Editor for TechRadar, it was a perpetual challenge among the TechRadar staff to send Kate (Twitter, Google+) a link to something interesting on the internet that she hasn't already seen. As TechRadar's News Editor (UK), she was constantly on the hunt for top news and intriguing stories to feed your gadget lust. Kate now enjoys life as a renowned music critic – her words can be found in the i Paper, Guardian, GQ, Metro, Evening Standard and Time Out, and she's also the author of 'Amy Winehouse', a biography of the soul star.