This simple Wi-Fi mistake may be slowing down your broadband

image of a the backside of a wireless router
(Image credit: deepblue4you)

Here in the UK, the cost of energy bills remains sky high. As a result, bill payers up and down the country are continually looking for ways they can save money. 

One widely adopted method of cutting down on power usage is to turn off devices like TVs and consoles at the mains when they're not in use. However, if you're currently also doing this with your Wi-Fi router, then you should stop. This is because continually turning your router off at the mains could wreak havoc with your broadband speeds and leave you exposed to malware. 

As a result, if you're really concerned about saving money on your bills, then searching for a new broadband deal is a much better solution instead. Here's a detailed explanation of why... 

Why shouldn't I turn my router off overnight? 

Sick of seeing the box flash or simply looking to save money on your bills by switching off your appliances overnight? Well, top providers like Sky and BT have now issued a warning and explained why you should keep this device switched on at all times. 

Sky and BT have explained that most internet service providers (ISPs) push out software updates overnight, when far fewer people are using the web and disruption is minimised. If your router is switched off and misses out on new software patches, then you can quickly become exposed to bugs and data-stealing malware. 

However, not only does leaving your router switched on improve your safety, but it can also help improve the speeds you receive. This is because, if you constantly switch off your hub, your ISP may believe that the line has become unstable. In response, your provider will automatically reduce the speeds you receive in order to improve the reliability of your broadband connection. If this happens, you'll notice that your internet becomes much slower. 

So to put things simply, if you would like to keep your router in the best possible condition and enjoy the fastest broadband speeds available, it's best to leave it on continually.

You can get faster speeds and cheaper bills today

If you're out of contract or your current deal is about to come to a close, then the best way of reducing your bills or improving the speeds you're receiving is to switch to a new provider today. 

Plus, if security is a real concern for you, switching could also be the perfect time to upgrade your router to one of the class-leading models from providers like BT or Virgin Media

If you'd like to switch provider or you're just interested in seeing what you could save when your current deal ends, then head over to our best broadband deals page today. Alternatively, pop your postcode into the widget below. Using this information, we can show you the best and cheapest deals available at your address. 

Tom Brook

Tom is a freelance copywriter and content marketer with over a decade of experience. Originally from an agency background, he is proud to have worked on campaigns for a number of energy providers, comparison sites and consumer brands.