Master travel photography

7. Shoot early and late

If you truly want to get the best from the places you visit, you must be prepared to start early and stay out late. At these times, places take on a different mood: colours change as the light intensity alters, and shadows can cast a whole new intriguing twist to your photos. The good news is, that in the middle part of the day – especially in hot places – you can head back to the hotel and catch up on your sleep, or just chill out at a local café.

Travel low ISO

Typically, if you are shooting landscapes, you will want to use your travel tripod so that you can set longer exposures, but don't be afraid to boost the ISO setting and work hand-held too. Artificial light can create interesting white balance conundrums (which means shooting raw is a good plan: you can adjust white balance later), while low morning or evening light will give a beautiful warm glow. making even the drabbest scene come to life.

It's true that high ISOs will introduce some noise, but throw caution to the wind: accept this is just adding atmosphere to your images and embrace it. Shooting this way can be quite liberating and you'll be surprised how, even in what seems like the darkest corner with only scant artificial lighting, your DSLR will reward you with some lovely photos.

Travel high ISO

This feature was originally published in Digital Camera Magazine, to subscribe, click here