Google Opinion Rewards opens up to UK, Australia

Google Opinion Rewards
Get some credit for your opinion

Google has finally opened up its Google Opinion Rewards app for Aussies, Canadians and those in the UK, letting you earn Play store credit by answering surveys.

The app first appeared in the US late last year, offering users Google Play store credit for every survey completed.

The surveys are pretty quick with between one to three questions asked, and for every survey completed, Google Play store says you can receive up to the local equivalent of US$1, though you'll mostly encounter rewards of about 25 cents.

Cheap money

After downloading the app, the setup is fairly quick, with the app asking you to log in with your Google account.

Then you'll need to enter your gender, age group, post code and occupation, as well as a handful of other questions before you can start earning Play credit.

The app will send you a notification when a new survey becomes available, but with surveys appearing about once a week, don't expect to earn enough credit to, for example, offset your in-app purchasing habits.

Still, it's a nice way of getting some Google Play credit by doing very little.

The app can be downloaded in Australia, Canada and the UK from today.

Via: Ausdroid