Sony PlayStation 3 finally goes 3D

PS3 finally goes 'properly' 3D with first batch of 3D-ready games on PSN
PS3 finally goes 'properly' 3D with first batch of 3D-ready games on PSN

Sony has launched four 3D games, with Wipeout HD, Super Stardust HD,


, and a demo of

MotorStorm Pacific Rift

now available to download from the PlayStation network.

Of course, you will need a 3D TV with special 3D glasses to appreciate the 3D versions of these PlayStation classics, but the availability of the first 'proper' 3D games on PSN is a fundamental marking point in Sony's shift-to-3D strategy.

Sony issued a firmware update for the PS3 last month, readying it for the launch of the first 3D games on PSN and Sony's first 3D-ready Bravias have also recently gone on sale.

First batch of 3D PSN games

PS3 owners will be able to buy the entire four games in the first 3D batch for £23.99. A drop in the ocean really, if you've just shelled out on a 3D TV to play them on!

"We're extremely excited to be at the helm of a whole new gaming experience unlike anything offered before," noted John Koller, Sony's director of PlayStation hardware marketing.

"This is only a small taste of the 3D experiences you can expect from Sony's Bravia range of 3D TVs and the PlayStation 3," he said. "The PlayStation 3 system continues to be at the forefront of innovation. In addition, 3D Blu-ray movie playback is coming to the PS3 this year via a firmware update."

Fuelling the imagination

Demos were presented on Sony's own 3D-ready digital projectors and the likes of Sir Howard Stringer (CEO and President), Stan Glasgow, (Chief Operating Officer) were present to show off the tech as Sony gears up for a company-wide 3D onslaught.

"When it comes to good versus mediocre 3D," said Stringer, "you know the difference, Sony knows the difference. Good 3D is immersive, not jarring. It fuels the imagination and is easy to watch."

Expects lots more on Sony's plans for 3D games from E3 video in Los Angeles next week.

SCEA boss Jack Tretton added that Sony plans to sell 50 million PS3s by March of next year.

"As you know, PlayStation 3 played a major role in establishing Blu-ray as the high definition standard for this generation," Tretton added. "What PlayStation 3 did for Blu-ray, we're now prepared to do for 3D."

"3D gaming is most anticipated technology for the home to arrive on the market this year."

Via Kotaku

Adam Hartley