Musicians keen on iPad potential

Apple iPad - musical potential?
Apple iPad - musical potential?

Music experts believe that Apple's iPad has the potential to become a key tool for musicians, with the big touchscreen and portability already bringing apps that suggest a harmonic arrangement.

Speaking to, experts from have taken a look at the iPad as a musical tool, and all agree that the early signs are very positive.

"I think that [the iPad will take off as a music creation tool]once we see a proper digital audio recording station that's on a par with programmes that people are using on laptops," said MusicRadar's Hi-tech editor Ben Rogerson.

"That will enable you to record audio and midi while having samplers in there and that's when you'll see music makers really embrace it."

The Guitarist

Guitar editor Chris Vinnicombe believes that the iPad already has a number of key features that could potentially make it a much-desired musical accompaniment, but admits there's an app he'd like to see surface.

"I think if Apple could develop a lite version of Garage Band…then it'd be an amazing musical notepad for guitar players, said Vinnicombe.

"You could take it to a practice room, you could take it on holiday with you and wherever you are you've got a fully featured recording suite."

You can watch the full video feature on and it's well worth three minutes of your time. Oh, and in the interests of openness, MusicRadar is published by Future - just like TechRadar: the clue's in the name.

Patrick Goss

Patrick Goss is the ex-Editor in Chief of TechRadar. Patrick was a passionate and experienced journalist, and he has been lucky enough to work on some of the finest online properties on the planet, building audiences everywhere and establishing himself at the forefront of digital content.  After a long stint as the boss at TechRadar, Patrick has now moved on to a role with Apple, where he is the Managing Editor for the App Store in the UK.