One More Thing: Frenchman suing Google? May wee

One More Thing: Frenchman suing Google? May wee
One More Thing: Frenchman suing Google? May wee

Aside from making our Deputy Editor bring his passport into work to prove he is, contrary to every other indication, actually Scottish, this has been a week packed with Barcelona trips, Dyson talks and even Olympus offering out Nokia over its 41MP camera phone.

You probably know how this works by now, but in case you don't, our One More Thing aims to bring you all the news that we love, but probably wouldn't take home to meet our parents.

Taking the pee - File this one under 'you couldn't make this up'. A Frenchman is suing Google for catching him with its StreetView cameras emptying his bladder in his front garden. His face was blurred out, but the live streaming gave him away. Of course, we found this story via having a [SlashGear]

Buy a Tron bike - Let's have a bit of charidee. No wait, this is good; you can snap up a working Tron bike and do some good with your cash by bidding on this light-cycle and then spending the rest of the day self-assembling a suit to match. [Gizmodo UK]

3D Printers and sheds - As we mentioned we spent a little time with Sir James Dyson this week, and he touched on the tech hot-potato of 3D printing. "I think 3D printing is…very exciting, but it's just as exciting to make stuff in a workshop as it is to make them on a computer." This from a man whose garden shed takes up half of Malmesbury…

Despicably funny - While we're briefly sticking our head out of the screen into 3D we also thought we'd tell you that you can check out the new trailer for Despicable Me 2 which will be appearing in multiple dimensions in a multiplex near you this summer.

Beam them up - Terrible news for Star Trek fans from the University of Sidney, where it has been found that anyone travelling at warp speed would be "blasted into oblivion". Not by the Klingons on the starboard bow, we hasten to add, but by gamma radiation [Daily Mail]

Plane sailing - Fortunately, there's exciting news from the world of paper planes, where the world record for furthest distance travelled has been smashed. And we said it would never take off.

Thermal flashlight - Landlords that think they can get away with dodgy insulation could find themselves rumbled by a flashlight that can highlight the hot bits of a room. We're wondering if it could also be used to find where that bloody errant mouse is hiding in our flat. [New Scientist]

Sub-quake - An unmanned German submarine is being sent to the epicentre of the horrific quake that devastated Japan to see how the sea floor has changed 2,000m down in the depths. [Nature]

Droning on - We're big fans of the new AR Drone 2.0 and just as we were going to press [the publish button] we got word that it would be coming to the UK in June. We're expecting you all to be able to play the Jame Bond theme with it by July at the latest.

Patrick Goss

Patrick Goss is the ex-Editor in Chief of TechRadar. Patrick was a passionate and experienced journalist, and he has been lucky enough to work on some of the finest online properties on the planet, building audiences everywhere and establishing himself at the forefront of digital content.  After a long stint as the boss at TechRadar, Patrick has now moved on to a role with Apple, where he is the Managing Editor for the App Store in the UK.