Silent song jumps up iTunes charts to fix iPhone in-car annoyance

If you're an iPhone owner who likes to listen to the songs from your iTunes library while cruising along the highways and byways of the world, you'll have probably encountered an annoying quirk of plugging your phone into your car's sound system.

Many car stereos, by default, automatically play the first track in your iTunes library as soon as you plug your phone in. As a result you'll have that one song eternally ruined for you, as you repeatedly hear those opening bars, and scramble to silence it and find the tune you're actually looking for.

But now Songwriter Samir Mezrahi has come up with a simple, yet ingenious solution: the sound of silence.

It's oh so quiet

Channelling John Cage's silent 4'.33, in which he has an orchestra sit silently for four minutes and thirty-three seconds, Mezrahi's track 'A A A A A Very Good Song' plays for 10, silent, minutes. Gaming the alphabetically-organized library with the five 'A's in its title, it gives drivers a 10-minute grace period to set up the tunes they want, without being bombarded by unwanted cuts from their iTunes selection.

It answers a massive oversight on behalf of Apple and in-car audio manufacturers, and is selling well as a result, steadily climbing the global iTunes charts, with one tongue-in-cheek reviewer calling it a "modern masterpiece".

Mezrahi's clever efforts probably deserve the loose change it'll cost you to buy his single, but if you're feeling tight-fisted you could achieve similar results for free by creating an audio note with multiple 'A's at the start of its title and importing it into your iTunes library.

Gerald Lynch

Gerald is Editor-in-Chief of Previously he was the Executive Editor for TechRadar, taking care of the site's home cinema, gaming, smart home, entertainment and audio output. He loves gaming, but don't expect him to play with you unless your console is hooked up to a 4K HDR screen and a 7.1 surround system. Before TechRadar, Gerald was Editor of Gizmodo UK. He is also the author of 'Get Technology: Upgrade Your Future', published by Aurum Press.