Vodafone offers remote tech support services

(Image credit: Vodafone)

Vodafone is offering remote support via voice and video call, serving customers and non-customers who are unable or uncomfortable visiting a physical store due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Like all the other major mobile operators, Vodafone reopened it stores in June, complete with modifications to ensure the safety of customers and staff. However it recognises that not everyone is able or willing to come in.

The ‘Vodafone Tech Team’ service allows anyone to book an appointment for a 30 minute call, during which experts can dispense technical advice.

Vodafone Tech Team

The service is free and can help solve software and connectivity issues, upgrades and even system reboots. Those who opt for a video call can even receive demonstrations.

“Since we re-opened our stores, we’ve seen customers come into stores to buy and collect their phones, but noticed they are keen to continue accessing our Tech Team’s services online,” said Max Taylor, Vodafone UK Consumer Director.

“Up until now, we’ve been managing this through webchats, but now we are launching a new, personal service with our Tech Team experts from stores video calling people who need help.  It is really easy to book and we are delighted to be able to offer the service not only to Vodafone customers, but also to anyone else who may need help.  This is all part of our commitment to keep everyone connecting.”

Separately, Vodafone is also offering customers who will be working from home for the foreseeable future a second broadband line. The provision of a second connection and Wi-Fi router means home and business devices and applications can be separated. Videoconferencing, for example, will not be thwarted by a Smart TV accessing Netflix.

BT has recently introduced a similar service but Vodafone hopes to compete on price.

Steve McCaskill is TechRadar Pro's resident mobile industry expert, covering all aspects of the UK and global news, from operators to service providers and everything in between. He is a former editor of Silicon UK and journalist with over a decade's experience in the technology industry, writing about technology, in particular, telecoms, mobile and sports tech, sports, video games and media.