Stray trophy list: unlock every hidden achievement

Stray trophy guide - Orange cat from Stray looking at the camera while sitting in an alley
(Image credit: BlueTwelve Studio)

Getting every Stray trophy will test everything you’ve learned over the course of the game. Some task you with solving puzzles, while others will have you scouring every nook and cranny for hidden collectibles - and others literally require you to do nothing but sleep for a few hours.

Stray is at its best when you're doing nothing, its world is teeming with secrets waiting to be uncovered by simply existing and observing the colourful world you've found yourself in. You’ll unlock more trophies the more that you prod at the environment, though it’s certainly easy to miss some of the hidden achievements on your first playthrough. Because of this, you may need a little bit of help tracking down every trophy and achievement in Stray on PS4, PS5 and PC.

Luckily, you’ll find plenty of info on how to unlock all of the trophies in Stray right here in this guide. That means every Stray Energy Drink, and even some help with the hidden achievements from the list. Whether you're weaving around Zurks to reach hidden areas or uncovering secret dialogue options, read on to ensure you track down all Stray has to offer - all the while keeping all nine of your lives.

Stray trophy guide

Stray trophy guide: all trophies

Stray Clementine Guide Screenshots

(Image credit: Future)

Here's a breakdown of every trophy (or achievement, if you're playing on PC) that you can find strolling down Stray's alleys. There are a total of 25 (or 24 on PC) to find, with 11 of them being secret trophies. 

Here are the normal trophies first:

  • All Done (Platinum) – Receive all other trophies (PS4/PS5 only).
  • A Little Chatty (Silver) – Meow 100 times.
  • Cat-a-Pult (Silver) – Jump 500 times.
  • Productive Day (Silver) – Sleep for more than an hour.
  • Boom Chat Kalaka (Bronze) – Dunk the basketball.
  • No More Lives (Bronze) – Die nine times.
  • I am Speed (Gold) – Complete the game in under two hours.
  • Meowlody (Silver) – Bring all the music sheets to Morusque.
  • Curiosity Killed the Cat (Bronze) – Wear the paper bag.
  • Cat-a-strophe (Bronze) – Try to play mahjong with the robots.
  • Cat's best friend (Silver) – Nuzzle up against five robots.
  • Tele a chat (Bronze) – Browse all the TV channels.
  • Badges (Gold) – Collect all badges.
  • Territory (Silver) – Scratch in every chapter.

Hidden trophies

Stray Clementine Guide Screenshots

(Image credit: Future)

Here are the secret trophies (and Achievements on PC) in Stray:

  • Can't Cat-ch Me (Gold) – Complete the first Zurk pursuit without being caught.
  • Sneakitty (Silver) – Get through Midtown without being detected by the Sentinels.
  • Scratch (Bronze) – Scratch the vinyl in the club.
  • Pacifist (Gold) – Complete the Sewers without killing any Zurks.
  • Missed Jump (Bronze) – Fall inside the city.
  • Meet B-12 (Silver) – Have B-12 translate a robot.
  • Cat Got Your Tongue (Bronze) –
  • Catwalk (Gold) – Reach Midtown.
  • Al-Cat-Raz (Silver) – Go to jail.
  • Eye Opener (Gold) – Complete the game and open the city.
  • I Remember! (Gold) – Gather all B-12 memories.

Now that you've got every one of Stray's trophies on your shelves, there's only one thing left to do, and we both know what that is: knock them all off, one by one, while making innocent eye contact.

Sarah Richter

Sarah (She/Her) is a contributor and former Senior Writer for TechRadar Gaming. With six years of experience writing freelance for publications like PC Gamer, she's covered every genre imaginable and probably a few she made up. She has a passion for diversity and the way different genres can be sandboxes for creativity and emergent storytelling, and loves worldbuilding. With thousands of hours in League of Legends, Overwatch, Minecraft, and countless survival, strategy, roguelike, and RPG entries, she still finds time for offline hobbies like tabletop RPGs, wargaming, miniatures painting, and hockey.