Many workers already accept the future of work will be AI-powered

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New research has revealed three-quarters (77%) of workers are preparing to trust artificial intelligence more to help improve work efficiency and productivity - however a lot lies on the future.

A report from Salesforce found only one in 10 workers currently trust AI, with around one-quarter (26%) expecting AI to operate autonomously within three years, and a further two in five (41%) expecting it to take more than three years.

However, while autonomous artificial intelligence may seem a long way off, more than half (54%) of global workers currently trust collaboration between humans and AI, highlighting its power to aid humans and not replace them.

Workers are preparing to work alongside AI

Among the tasks that workers perceived AI as being able to operate autonomously were writing code, uncovering data insights, developing internal and external communications, and acting as a personal assistant.

On the flip side, workers are less likely to see AI as being able to operate autonomously when it comes to being inclusive, onboarding and training employees, and keeping data safe.

Despite the clear acknowledgement of AI’s capabilities, human involvement remains crucial. Around two-thirds (63%) of workers believe that more human oversight would increase their trust in AI, with informed workers five times more likely to trust AI autonomy in the next two years.

Salesforce Chief Ethical and Humane Use Officer Paula Goldman summarized: “Workers are excited about an AI-powered future and the research shows us that human engagement can help us get there.”

Goldman added: “By empowering humans at the helm of today’s AI systems, we can build trust and drive adoption – enabling workers to unlock all that AI has to offer.”

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Craig Hale

With several years’ experience freelancing in tech and automotive circles, Craig’s specific interests lie in technology that is designed to better our lives, including AI and ML, productivity aids, and smart fitness. He is also passionate about cars and the decarbonisation of personal transportation. As an avid bargain-hunter, you can be sure that any deal Craig finds is top value!