'Digital natives' lack social skills

Web sparking evolutionary change, claims study, with ADD on the rise
Web sparking evolutionary change, claims study, with ADD on the rise

It's official. A new study claims that the internet is changing the way human brains operate, making heavy users ('digital natives') anti-social and have an increased tendency to suffer ADD (attention deficit disorder).

A new study claims that the busy brains of 'digital natives' are developing ways of coping with searching and filtering large amounts of data, and making quick decisions based on this.

However, the bad news, according to the research, is that the brain's neural patterns negatively impact on the social skills of the heaviest web users and can trigger conditions such as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).

Tech time off

The findings are hardly surprising, as anybody who lives with a so-called 'digital native' will tell you.

UCLA neuroscientist Gary Small claims this is nothing less than an "evolutionary change," adding that "the people in the next generation who are really going to have the edge are the ones who master the technological skills and also face-to-face skills.

"The brain is very specialised in its circuitry and if you repeat mental tasks over and over it will strengthen certain neural circuits and ignore others.

"But you can take steps to address this. It means taking time to cut back on technology, like having a family dinner, to find a balance. It is important to understand how technology is affecting our lives and our brains and take control of it."

Adam Hartley