Looking for a nearby place to eat or shop? Just tweet Google an emoji

(Image credit: Google)

Be it baked into Google Home or built around the company's digital assistant, Google loves to cram its web-searching ability into just about any platform it can.

Its next destination? Twitter. However, not only does the Big G now let users search nearby establishments on the 140-character network - it can do it in a single emoji.

By mentioning Google in a tweet (@Google, natch) alongside a emoji, the search powerhouse now links you to results for locations in your area that best match that emoji's intent.

For example, tweeting a shoe can bring up local shoestores while a ramen symbol brings up nearby ramen stands, should you be hungry and already browsing your news feed.

While novel, the system isn't exact robust. Only a fraction of the 700+ emojis turn back a result. Google is also using the hashtag #KnowNearby to keep users focused, since the system needs to logically match emojis to local businesses.

Despite its limitations, Google's latest skill teases what the company's technology can bring to third-party platforms like Twitter. If nothing else, it's a fun little trick using everyone's favorite smileys.

Oh, and since we know what you're wondering - tweeting the poop emoji at Google turns up results for nearby flower shops, along with a caption saying you may "need a breath of fresh air."

Parker Wilhelm
Parker Wilhelm is a freelance writer for TechRadar. He likes to tinker in Photoshop and talk people's ears off about Persona 4.