Tablet users are bigger buyers

Tablet users are bigger buyers
iPad users buy more than iPhone and PC users

Almost 70% of tablet owners make a purchase on their device every month, according to a new study by InMobi and Mobext.

According to a global survey 'The Role of Tablets in the Consumer Sales Journey' consumers are spending increasing amounts of time on mobile connected devices, and are spending more time online and shopping on the high street less.

The survey found that tablet users purchased more regularly than on any other device. Over two thirds (69%) of tablet users had shopped via their device in the last 30 days, with almost 1 in 10 of these consumers happy to use their tablet for a 'big ticket' purchase, in contrast with smartphone users who typically use their device for functional purchases (2.9%).

Additionally over 20% of tablet users claim to shop less in bricks and mortar stores, since purchasing their device.

Consumers consume more media

As well as buying more tablet users are also consuming more media. The survey shows 63% of tablet users in the UK agreed that it is easier to access media content on a tablet than on a mobile or laptop/desktop.

When asked about activities carried out on mobile devices, tablet users carry out an average of 3.9 activities given a list of six broad options in the last 30 days. This was higher than both laptop (3.6) and smartphone (2.7) users

The report also confirmed that tablet was used in addition to other media, 72% of respondents watch TV while using their tablet and a fifth of consumers stated that they watched more TV following a tablet purchase.

Almost a third of current non-tablet owners said they were likely to purchase one in the next six months, further fuelling on-device purchasing.

The report also found that:

  • 51% use a tablet to fill what would previously have been 'dead time'
  • 44% said they would not want to be separated from their tablet
  • 42% said that their tablet device has revolutionised the way they communicate with friends/colleagues