Verizon closing its Android, Blackberry app store in 2013

Verizon pulls out of the app store market
Verizon pulls out of the app store market

Verizon announced Monday that it will close its Android and Blackberry Apps store early next year, shutting a service that's been open since March 2010.

The carrier's Verizon Apps marketplace will begin to phase out this month, as apps that require a monthly subscription will accept payment for the last time so that users can still get a full month for their payment.

Starting in January, the Verzion Apps store itself will be removed though a software update, along with all access to purchase new apps or app subscriptions through Verizon's store.

Apps downloaded through the store that require a monthly activation will stop working at that time as well, though apps that don't rely on a subscription should continue to work.

Business apps are the only exception, and will continue to be available to enterprise customers through a private business app store.

App store no more

Back in 2010 Verizon hoped to capitalize on the growing app trend by launching its own Verizon Apps storefront on Android and Blackberry handsets.

However, as the Google Play store rose in prominence, and Blackberry fell as an OS overall, the upkeep of its own app store is no longer worth the investment.

As Verizon is quick to mention, many of the apps offered in its own store are also available through Google Play, Amazon and Blackberry App World marketplaces.

Verizon will now shift its focus to a partnership with AppLuvr, a new Android social networking app built around making it easier for users to discover new apps.

Verizon Apps will be fully removed from handsets by March 27, 2013, making the fragmented Android ecosystem a little cohesive for a change.

From Verizon