Larry O'Connor

Larry O'Connor

Founder & CEO, OWC

Larry O'Connor is the founder and chief executive officer of Other World Computing (OWC). OWC offers an end-to-end hardware, software, and accessories ecosystem that provides reliable computing solutions to consumers and professionals. 

Under his leadership, OWC has grown dynamically over the past 35 years – beginning with re-inking printer ribbons and selling memory as an online e-commerce pioneer to providing the first scale Processor Upgrades for G3 Apple Macs. It is now a worldwide technology brand that provides a comprehensive lineup of award-winning hardware and software solutions. 

Extending the useful life of technology is core to Larry’s beliefs and the driving force behind many of OWC’s products. He has taken a similar approach to philanthropy by combining his passion for regenerative agriculture and innovative technology. He was directly involved in the production of the 2020 Netflix documentary Kiss the Ground, which has catalyzed a global movement toward regenerative farming practices and is transforming soil around the world.  Whether it’s through technology or regenerative Agriculture or solar and wind power, Larry loves connecting with people, and finding ways to empower them to help make a better world for all of us.

Articles by: Larry O'Connor