Google Drive is making it easier to find exactly the files you need

Google Drive
(Image credit: Google)

Google Drive is playing with a tweaked homepage, despite only recently rolling out an entire UX refresh under the Material You program.

The official Google Drive Twitter account shared a view of the new ‘Home’ tab looks to have made its way to the sidebar, located above the ‘My Drive’ view which is currently the default entry point for most Drive users. 

Inside the ‘Home’ view, a pair of view buttons at the top of the page seemingly allow users to alternate between a ‘Suggested’ and ‘Activity’ view.

Google Drive makeover

‘Suggested’ will likely surface work that has been accessed recently or that is accessed regularly, thus similar in nature to the ‘Suggested’ view that currently appears at the top of the ‘My Drive’ page.

‘Activity’ serves almost as a notification center for new file activity, including comments, changes, and access requests.

Google says that it’s “testing a new homepage in Drive with a group of users” and it’s unclear when a full rollout will occur - if at all.

This is all in an effort to help users of the cloud storage platform find the work they need more quickly, and ultimately, with fewer clicks.

Earlier this month, the company also introduced a new ‘Spam’ folder to the sidebar which served much the same purpose as any spam folder you would find elsewhere. Moving a file to spam will unsubscribe a user from activity notifications and remove the file from all Drive locations apart from the spam folder.

Craig Hale

With several years’ experience freelancing in tech and automotive circles, Craig’s specific interests lie in technology that is designed to better our lives, including AI and ML, productivity aids, and smart fitness. He is also passionate about cars and the decarbonisation of personal transportation. As an avid bargain-hunter, you can be sure that any deal Craig finds is top value!