Three reasons to transition to IP technology in A/V Production

(Image credit: / edwardolive)

The world is developing faster in every industry, from personal computers and mobile technology to audio and video facilities, where new technologies and advancements are bringing immense changes for the better. 

Unfortunately, audio and video routing topology for use within a given facility is seriously lagging behind in terms of years, even decades. Routing technology, relying heavily on point-to-point cabling configuration and purpose-built software. The result is inefficient and clunky production, begging for a serious transformation of its modus operandi.

The solution to this problem is the latest internet protocol (IP) technological advances that are bringing major improvements in the way audio and video signals are transported. Not only does this technology bring about higher levels of flexibility and capabilities, but it also reduces upgrade costs, as well as simplifying and speeding up rollouts of new technologies and equipment.

Making a transition from the outdated legacy hardware to the state-of-the-art IP technological solutions in audio/video production will help the creative and engineering teams across each industry to leverage the benefits these solutions carry. This will ultimately result in accelerating content creation and production services and, consequently, business growth and expanding outreach.

If you want to find out more about how IP technology can modernize and improve A/V production and how to make the transition, download and read “3 Reasons to Transition to IP Technology in A/V Production”.