Tesco Mobile has the most satisfied mobile customers

(Image credit: Tesco)

Tesco Mobile’s reputation for customer service has been strengthened by Ofcom’s latest complaint figures, which also show £20.7 million has been paid out by its automatic compensation scheme.

Ofcom’s figures for 2019 show that 93% of mobile customers were satisfied with their level of service.

Tesco Mobile had a satisfaction rate of 97%, while 92% of its customers were happy with their coverage. Three had the lowest satisfaction rate of 89%, with just three quarters satisfied with their reception.

Ofcom complaint figures

In the broadband market, the overall figure was 85% with Plusnet customers the happiest. TalkTalk was the only provider below the average with a 75% score, with its customers also the least happy with reliability (75%) and speed (76%).

Plusnet’s high level of satisfaction is at odds with the volume of complaints made about it. Ofcom says the company receives 100 complaints per 100,000 customers, second only to Vodafone with 115. Among mobile operators, Virgin Media (27) and Vodafone (26) received the most complaints, with Tesco Mobile the lowest (3).

“Checking the quality of a phone or broadband provider’s customer service can be the difference between you signing up to a company that keeps you connected, or one that falls short," said Ofcom.

“Our research helps people to easily compare how providers perform on customer service, so they can choose the one that’s best for them.”

Ofcom also says as much as £20.7 million was paid out to broadband customers under a new scheme to complain about their provider without the need to make a formal complaint. As much as £9.17 million was paid out for delayed repairs, £1.6 million for missed appointments, and £9.5 for the delay in installing new services.

Prior to the introduction of the voluntary scheme part way through last year, just £8 million was handed out. Signatories include BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media, and Ofcom is urging operators to sign up.

Steve McCaskill is TechRadar Pro's resident mobile industry expert, covering all aspects of the UK and global news, from operators to service providers and everything in between. He is a former editor of Silicon UK and journalist with over a decade's experience in the technology industry, writing about technology, in particular, telecoms, mobile and sports tech, sports, video games and media.