How long is the Modern Warfare 3 campaign?

Captain Price kneeling in a field holding a sniper rifle
(Image credit: Sledgehammer Games)

The campaign from the latest Call of Duty title, Modern Warfare 3, is available now. A sequel to last year's Modern Warfare 2, this new instalment directly picks up where the story of the last game left off.

If you're unfamiliar with the story of the Modern Warfare sub-series so far, consider catching up with this handy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 story recap video. With a roster of new weapons and innovations like Open Combat Missions, this is a Call of Duty campaign quite like any other. If you're about to play, however, you might want to know how long the Modern Warfare 3 campaign takes to beat. This will help you allocate the right amount of time for a full playthrough or, if you're already playing, give you an easy way to gauge how long is left without risking seeing any of the spoilers that you would find in a full walkthrough guide.

Much like the last entry, there are also a wide variety of multiplayer rewards for completing each of the campaign's 14 missions. With enticing goodies like XP boosts and even operators up for grabs, be sure to check our full campaign mission list and rewards guide in order to find out what to expect.

How long is the Modern Warfare 3 campaign

The Modern Warfare 3 campaign takes roughly five hours to beat.

This figure is based on our own playthrough of the campaign, which took just over five hours on the standard difficulty setting. This included plenty of messing about in the Open Combat Missions, however, and a handful of deaths in some of the harder parts. While we think this is reflective of the average experience, this number could very well change based on your individual play style or level of proficiency.

If you're more experienced with Call of Duty (or playing on an easier difficulty mode), we expect that your playtime will fall on the shorter end closer to four hours. On the other hand, those who are new to first-person shooter (FPS) games or playing on the harder difficulty settings should expect things to take a little longer.

Don't miss our interview on why open combat missions change the rules of engagement in Modern Warfare 3 or see what the game's developers learned from indie development.

Dashiell Wood
Hardware Writer

Dash is TechRadar Gaming's Hardware Writer. Before joining TechRadar, he was a print journalist writing articles for some of the UK's biggest gaming magazines including PLAY, Edge, PC Gamer, and SFX. Now, when he's not getting his greasy little mitts on the newest hardware or gaming gadget, he can be found feverishly devouring the latest Nintendo Switch otome.