How to safely and legally fly a drone By Alastair Jennings published 29 April 16 Avoid common issues with a few simple checks and updates.
How to code your own game on the BBC Micro Bit By Alastair Jennings published 28 April 16 Get started with the BBC micro:bit by using its online coding environments in order to create a simple game.
Zortrax M200 review By Alastair Jennings published 25 April 16 The Zortrax M200 makes a serious impact on the high-end home 3D printer market.
How to feel like you're flying with a drone and virtual reality By Alastair Jennings published 1 April 16 VR Week Combining virtual reality with flying drones can give you the feel of soaring through the air. We show you how.
How to 3D print your own virtual reality headset By Alastair Jennings published 30 March 16 VR Week Keen to get into virtual reality? Here's how to build your own customised headset using a 3D printer.
BBC Micro Bit review By Alastair Jennings published 22 March 16 The BBC micro:bit is a huge initiative designed to inspire the next generation of engineers.
XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0 Jr. review By Alastair Jennings published 9 January 16 This 3D printer is easy to use, reliable, and one of the cheapest you'll find on the market.
How to use drones for photography By Alastair Jennings published 16 December 15 Use a remote-controlled drone to take amazing action shots - we show you how!
Ultimaker 2 Go review By Alastair Jennings published 10 December 15 The Ultimaker 2 impressed with its no-fuss quality prints, and this new Go variant is a compact version of the printer.
Ooznest PRUSA i3 review By Alastair Jennings published 4 November 15 This 3D printer comes as a kit build and offers an impressive level of print quality, but putting it together could be a challenge.
XYZprinting Nobel 1.0 review By Alastair Jennings published 27 August 15 The Nobel 1.0 produces excellent quality prints – but that high quality comes at a price…
Lulzbot Mini review By Alastair Jennings published 7 July 15 The Lulzbot Mini is a 3D printer that bares all in terms of its design, and boasts an impressive amount of versatility.
Ultimaker 2 review By Alastair Jennings published 13 May 15 The Ultimaker 2 is a compact and quiet 3D printer which offers plenty of flexibility and very impressive results.
XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0 review By Alastair Jennings published 22 February 15 This 3D printer is highly suitable for the classroom in a number of respects, including the device's easy setup.