How to encourage employees to report security issues faster

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Despite advancements in security technology, organizations cannot overlook the role of employees in identifying and reporting security incidents. While proactive tools and solutions might be able to flag certain threats, employees still play a larger role in reporting and escalating them to the security team for effective resolution.

However, recent reports show that less than 10% of employees across different industries escalate phishing emails to their security teams, despite it being one of the most common security threats. This significant shortfall in reporting can be driven by several factors: the common belief that someone else will handle the issue, fear of retribution for false alarms or mistakes, and a fundamental undervaluing of the personal role in organizational security. Not to mention, shaming employees for their past mistakes also contributes to fewer escalations.

Addressing these barriers is crucial as the cyber threat landscape becomes increasingly complex. So, let’s discuss the three key strategies that organizations can leverage to encourage their workforce in efficiently reporting security issues.

Dr John Blythe

Director of Cyber Psychology at Immersive Labs.

Building understanding and awareness

One of the fundamental reasons employees fail to report security incidents is a lack of understanding of what constitutes a security threat, and why this knowledge matters. To combat this, organizations must prioritize comprehensive cybersecurity education that covers the mechanics of threats like phishing and malware, and how these threats can harm the business.

Effective training programs must go beyond traditional, often tedious, security tutorials. They should enhance an employee’s risk perception, demonstrating how severe a potential threat could be, both to the organization and themselves. This can be achieved via realistic scenarios and interactive sessions highlighting the direct consequences of security lapses. For instance, training should be adaptive and responsive to the latest threats, ensuring that employees are not just passive recipients of information but active participants in their security education. Training programs must create a common consensus among the entire workforce that a serious breach could impact the company's stability and put their jobs at risk too.

Moreover, reporting every unusual activity must be clearly communicated as a critical organizational mandate. Employees should understand that their proactive action can significantly mitigate the risk of a minor incident escalating into a major breach. Our recent study highlights that while technical staff are generally prepared for the initial stages of an attack, the real challenge—and necessity for reporting—increases significantly in the aftermath. Building and proving cyber capabilities across the workforce through continuous training is critical to creating a more effective cybersecurity culture that leads to more reporting.

Therefore, organizations must ensure their cybersecurity education programs are relevant, engaging, and continuously updated to empower employees with the knowledge and motivation needed to respond to threats. By understanding the 'why' behind the importance of reporting, as well as the 'how' of the process, employees are more likely to take personal accountability and contribute to their organization's security posture effectively.

Streamlining the reporting process

To foster a responsive security environment, the process of reporting security issues must be as frictionless as possible. Employees often encounter barriers such as convoluted reporting mechanisms or unclear instructions, which can deter them from reporting. Simplifying these processes can significantly increase the reporting rates and, by extension, enhance the organization's overall security posture.

Clear, simple, and easily accessible reporting mechanisms are essential. These systems should be intuitive and integrate seamlessly with the daily tools and workflows employees already use. It’s also important to ensure that all employees are familiar with these mechanisms and understand how to use them effectively without hesitation or confusion. Business leaders must build an organizational culture where everyone is encouraged to develop reporting capabilities and discuss potential shortfalls, rather than being shamed or scrutinized for any lack of skills.

Moreover, immediate feedback upon reporting can also play a critical role in reinforcing positive behavior. When employees report a potential security issue, acknowledging their action promptly and positively can validate their decision and encourage them to continue participating in safeguarding the organization. This feedback loop builds confidence and demonstrates the business’s commitment to addressing security concerns swiftly.

Encouraging a reporting culture

Developing an organizational culture (alongside policies and processes), where reporting security issues is viewed positively, is hugely important. In a supportive environment, employees are more likely to report incidents without fear of reprisal or judgment. This positive reinforcement is key to transforming passive observers into active security advocates.

Leadership plays a vital role in fostering this culture. Leaders can set a powerful example by actively modelling the desired behavior, such as openly discussing their own experiences with reporting security issues. Specifically, a top-down approach can be highly effective, where security is championed by all, from the CEO to the newest employee. Leaders must communicate that reporting is not only a responsibility but an act of protecting the organization and its people.

Moreover, employing security champions within various departments can provide peers with a relatable point of contact who can offer guidance and reassurance about the reporting process. These champions can also help to maintain security as a topic of regular discussion, keeping it relevant and top of mind across all levels of the organization.

Businesses should also focus on learning from each reported incident, regardless of its outcome. Celebrating these learning opportunities rather than assigning blame, encourages a more open and proactive reporting environment. This can be achieved by sharing stories of successful threat mitigation resulting from employee reports, which educates and motivates the workforce.

Ultimately, by valuing and encouraging open communication and continuous cybersecurity exercising - and by avoiding shaming employees for their cyber mistakes - organisations can create a robust culture where employees feel confident and supported in their role as key players in cybersecurity defence. This culture enhances the security posture and contributes to a more engaged and committed workforce.

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Dr John Blythe is Director of Cyber Psychology at Immersive Labs.