Mobile Industry Awards 2018 - Are you the industry's Best MVNO or Best MVNO Partner?

Now in its 16th year, the 2018 Mobile Industry Awards represent the gold standard of excellence in the industry - from the boardroom to the grassroots. The status of the awards has seen previous winners declare victories in shareholder releases, emblazon logos on staff uniforms and take out billboards to spread the news of their victory

We are delighted to share that due to popular demand we will continue our fiercely contested Best MVNO and Best MVNO Partner award categories 

Despite an ambivalent approach to MVNOs from many networks, the sector continues to thrive and grab market share as users become increasingly price-conscious. To succeed in this space requires a tenacious and cast-iron strategy, resilience to partner pressures and a finely tuned marketing strategy. The winner of our Best MVNO category best represents these qualities, 

Now it is your chance to submit your award winning entry

Best MVNO and MVNO Partner

An MVNO can only be as innovative as the service it is able to provide. The Best MVNO Partner category recognises the partner that does the most to champion and support the MVNOs dependent on its services

Speaking exclusively to TechRadar Pro, Arun Dehiri, Managing Director of Red Dawn Consulting and a leading authority on the wholesale and MVNO market states:

The need for flexible platforms to deliver digital growth in the UK mobile market is at its greatest. Mobile enablers (MVNEs) play an essential role to facilitate the innovative services needed to keep segments engaged. Best in class MVNEs will be looking to innovate into new growth areas such as IoT, m-commerce, loyalty and artificial intelligence and digital identity”

Commenting on the future for these platforms, Arun adds:

“Whilst there are now over 50 independent MVNEs, operator-owned platforms and BSS/OSS providers in Europe, we expect consolidation among these players by 2025.  Agile platforms sitting in the space between networks and customers serve 15% of the mobile customers in Europe under virtual operator and sub-brand models which we predict to reach around 25%. Further growth will coming from incumbent operators increasingly turning to these enablers to develop innovation within their core business.”

Submit your entry


New entry process for 2018 - Following popular demand, we have moved to an online process which makes it quick and easy for you to submit your entry. 

(Image credit: MIA 2018)

How to use our awards entry portal

All entries must be submitted by no later than April 12th, 2018. Tables will be available on a first come first served basis, so we invite you to get your booking in now to avoid disappointment!  

Five great reasons to enter

1. Reward and motivate you and your team - Entering the MIA sends a message to your team that their achievements are worth shouting about – and being shortlisted is a huge boost to company morale.

2. Build customer trust and confidence - An award is a mark of quality that sets you apart from your competitors and proves your corporate credentials. It’s an independent endorsement that can help you attract new customers, partners, investors and talent.

3. Grow your profile and reach – Winning (or just being shortlisted) is fantastic PR and marketing opportunity that gives you the chance to tell your story and share your success.

4. Benchmarking – The award tells the judges, and your industry, that you are the best of the best – and a company worth doing business with.

5. Networking - Attend the awards ceremony, celebrate and certainly bask in the glory – but also see it as a networking opportunity, take clients and also make the most out of building new relationships

For all awards updates visit our site - we look forward to seeing you on the June 7th 2018

If you have any questions or queries about how to attend or enter, get in touch at