Elden Ring director says ‘there might be more ideas’ for extra DLC or a sequel in the future, but nothing is currently planned

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree boss Messmer the Impaler seen in the expansion's first trailer.
(Image credit: Bandai Namco Entertainment)

Elden Ring director Hidetaka Miyazaki has confirmed that there are currently no plans for a sequel or extra downloadable content (DLC) beyond the release of Shadow of the Erdtree, but says “We definitely don't want to snuff out that possibility.”

Speaking in a new interview with IGN, Miyazaki was asked if the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC will be the end of the brutal action-role-playing game’s story. To this, the director said that “there might be more ideas in the future,” even if nothing is in the works right now.

“We don't want to say this is the end of the Elden Ring saga for now. I think we said a similar thing at the end of Dark Souls 3. We didn't want to flatten those possibilities or put a pin in them just at that time,” Miyazaki said. “And it's a similar story with Elden Ring. We don't want to discourage the possibilities for that. There might be more ideas in the future.

“We don't have any current plans to make a second DLC or a sequel, but we definitely don't want to snuff out that possibility,” he continued. “We think that there could well be something [in] the future.”

In case you missed it, yesterday (February 21), the first trailer for Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC was revealed, which showcased the expansion’s new area - the Land of Shadow - as well as a number of daunting foes players can expect to take on. One of these is an intimidating boss called Messmer the Impaler, and a statue of him is being included as part of the newly revealed Collector’s Edition version of the DLC. 

Perhaps most excitingly, the trailer also confirmed the DLC’s release date of June 21, so there’s really not too long to wait before fans can dive back in. 

For more games like Elden Ring, be sure to check out our roundup of the best soulslike games. You can also check out more games with vast worlds to explore in our list of the best open-world games on PC. 

Catherine Lewis
News Writer, TechRadar Gaming

Catherine is a News Writer for TechRadar Gaming. Armed with a journalism degree from The University of Sheffield, she was sucked into the games media industry after spending far too much time on her university newspaper writing about Pokémon and cool indie games, and realising that was a very cool job, actually. She previously spent 19 months working at GAMINGbible as a full-time journalist. She loves all things Nintendo, and will never stop talking about Xenoblade Chronicles.