New year's resolution: Get 30% off this leading password manager

(Image credit: keepersecurity)

With many of us spending more time online than ever as a result of the pandemic, it's vital we keep our (virtual) houses in order.

Password manager Keeper Security allows users to store all of their credentials in one place, keeping everything organized and secure. Key features include password autofill, secure file storage, two-factor authentication, emergency access and more.

For readers of TechRadar Pro, Keeper Security is offering a 30% discount on its Unlimited and Family plans. The price of Keeper Unlimited has been cut from $34.99 to only $24.99 (£20.99), while the Family package (for up to five users) has fallen from $74.99 to $52.49 (£50.39).

Keeper Unlimited Plan:$34.99Save 30%

Keeper Unlimited Plan: $34.99 $24.99 per month | 1 User
Save 30% - This plan is for users that require only one account. Features include unlimited password storage, strong password generation, autofill, fingerprint and Face ID login and more.

Keeper Family Plan: $74.99Save 30%
Best password mana...

Keeper Family Plan: $74.99 $52.49 per month | 5 Users
Save 30% - This plan offers protection for up to five users. It includes all the features of the Keeper Unlimited Plan, plus 10GB of secure file storage and a private vault for each user. 

On top of password management features, Keeper Security also monitors the dark web and alerts users if their accounts are at risk as a result of a data breach. Keeper’s Cloud Security Vault, meanwhile, ensures sensitive data cannot falls into the wrong hands and lets users securely share digital assets. 

Devising secure passwords is also made easier with Keeper's password generator and the service also supports facial recognition and fingerprint scanning login options.

Why is this a great deal?

As one of the most trusted and well-known password managers on the market, this  deal is not to be missed - and not only because of the huge savings. With Keeper Security, users can protect both themselves and their families from a range of different cyberthreats.

Anna is a freelance copywriter with extensive knowledge on the technology sector. She writes about a variety of topics for TechRadar including web hosting, website builders and cybersecurity. She also has a knack for writing deals, guides and versus articles.