Microsoft hacked again by Syrian Electronic Army

The SEA tend to leave behind obvious clues (credit: Twitter/Megab Hess)

The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) has been waging a one-man electronic war against Microsoft in recent weeks. Having hacked the Twitter, Facebook and blog of Skype and then gone on to breach Microsoft's official blog, the band of hackers has now claimed access to the Microsoft Office Blogs site.

A screenshot posted on Twitter by the group showed an article on the site entitled "Hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army". Although the article in question was removed and the account which posted it reset, this was quickly followed by two screenshots of the site's CMS administration panel.

The two screenshots appear to show the Office Blogs admin panel before and after an update to the site that was rolled out earlier this week, the original panel being Telligent-based, the latter on WordPress.

Employee access

The pictures on Twitter imply that the SEA had breached the Microsoft Office Blogs site before and after the change in style. The group has previously claimed that it had access to employee's accounts at Microsoft, something the company admitted following the hack of their official blog.

Obviously, despite account closures and security measures being implemented by the software giant, some employee accounts remain compromised.

"Dear Microsoft, changing the CMS will not help you if your employees are hacked and they don't know about [it]," the Syrian Electronic Army posted on Twitter on Monday.

The Syrian Electronic Army appeared in 2012, attacking Western websites in retaliation for "anti-Islamic sentiment". They've recently turned their attention to corporations and news outlets like the New York Times.