James Lyne

James Lyne

James Lyne is the CTO at the SANS Institute.

He is the Global Head of Security Research at Sophos, one of the worlds largest security firms. He is a security researcher in topics ranging from malware (malicious code like viruses or trojans) to hacking. He loves to take time to rip things apart and build live working demonstrations. He is passionate about sharing amazing developments in technology and security challenges with the world and spend much of his time on a stage or delivering impromptu lectures to willing victims in coffee shops. He loves to find ways to simplify topics, make them accessible and entertaining. He takes great pride in not just being a talking head but being able to do his own presentations, research and being a senior director. Sometimes people are 'surprised' he is technical, which is fun. Been on TV a few times, Newsnight, Sky, Bloomberg etc. Presented on the TED main stage at Long Beach. Frequent keynotes at industry events. Certified instructor for SANS. He does professional public speaking when someone wants to do something awesome, fun and memorable. He gets around. If you spot him on your travels come and say hello. 

Articles by: James Lyne